Package 'rasterbc'

Title: Access Forest Ecology Layers for British Columbia in 2001-2018
Description: R-based access to a large set of data variables relevant to forest ecology in British Columbia (BC), Canada. Layers are in raster format at 100m resolution in the BC Albers projection, hosted at the Federated Research Data Repository (FRDR) with <doi:10.20383/101.0283>. The collection includes: elevation; biogeoclimatic zone; wildfire; cutblocks; forest attributes from Hansen et al. (2013) <doi:10.1139/cjfr-2013-0401> and Beaudoin et al. (2017) <doi:10.1139/cjfr-2017-0184>; and rasterized Forest Insect and Disease Survey (FIDS) maps for a number of insect pest species, all covering the period 2001-2018. Users supply a polygon or point location in the province of BC, and 'rasterbc' will download the overlapping raster tiles hosted at FRDR, merging them as needed and returning the result in R as a 'SpatRaster' object. Metadata associated with these layers, and code for downloading them from their original sources can be found in the 'github' repository <>.
Authors: Dean Koch [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Dean Koch <[email protected]>
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Built: 2025-03-03 04:03:35 UTC

Help Index

Set local directory for storage of raster data files


All files downloaded/created by the rasterbc package are written to the directory assigned by this function. The path to this directory is stored in the global options list for R under ''. To set this path, call datadir_bc and pass the path as argument data.dir. To check the current setting, call datadir_bc() without arguments.


datadir_bc(data.dir = NULL, quiet = FALSE)



character string, the absolute path to the desired storage directory


logical indicating to skip confirmation prompt and warnings about existing directories


If data.dir=NA, the data storage directory is set to the a subdirectory of base::tempdir(), a per-session temporary directory (cleared after each R session). This happens automatically if opendata_bc or getdata_bc are called before datadir_bc, ensuring that rasterbc won't unexpectedly overwrite things or leave garbage in the user's file system.

However, users are strongly encouraged to set the data directory manually to a non-temporary location. This allows copies of downloaded data to persist between sessions, so that rasterbc::opendata_bc can load the local copies in future R sessions. This is both much faster than downloading mapsheets repeatedly, and it reduces the strain on FRDR's data hosting service.

The directory data.dir will be created if it doesn't already exist.


character string, the absolute path to the data storage directory


# call without arguments to get the current directory (or a prompt to set it, if unset)
# call with argument NA to set a default location
datadir_bc(NA, quiet=TRUE)

Identify NTS/SNRC codes covering a given geometry


Data layers for the province of BC are split according to the mapsheet coding system used by Canada's NTS/SNRC. This function identifies mapsheets intersecting with the geographical extent of geo.


findblocks_bc(geo = NULL, type = "character")



A point, line, or polygon object of class sfc, or a character vector of 4-character codes


character, the object type to return, either 'character' or 'sfc'


When type='character', the function returns the 4-character NTS/SNRC codes corresponding to mapsheets that intersect with the input geometry. When type='sfc', the function returns the mapsheet polygons themselves.

geo=NULL (the default) indicates to return all mapsheet codes/polygons. Non-NULL geo must either be a character vector of codes, or else an sfc class object having a coordinate reference system ('crs' attribute) defined. If geo intersects with none of the BC mapsheets, (or contains unknown NTS/SNRC codes) the function returns NULL.


either a character vector or an sfc object (see details)


# list all mapsheet codes then print the corresponding sfc object

# define an example point by specifying latitude and longitude (in WGS84 reference system)
input.point = sf::st_point(c(x=-120, y=50)) |> sf::st_sfc(crs='EPSG:4326')

# this point lies at the intersection of four mapsheets, which are in Albers projection
blocks = findblocks_bc(input.point, type='sfc')
blocks |> sf::st_geometry() |> plot()
sf::st_transform(input.point, crs='EPSG:3005') |> plot(add=TRUE)
blocks |> sf::st_geometry() |> sf::st_centroid() |>
    sf::st_coordinates() |> text(labels=blocks$NTS_SNRC)

# nudge the point slightly so it intersects with only one mapsheet
input.point = sf::st_point(c(x=-120.1, y=50.1)) |> sf::st_sfc(crs='EPSG:4326')
blocks |> sf::st_geometry() |> plot()
sf::st_transform(input.point, crs='EPSG:3005') |> plot(add=TRUE)
blocks |> sf::st_geometry() |> sf::st_centroid() |>
   sf::st_coordinates() |> text(labels=blocks$NTS_SNRC)

# make a polygon (circle) from the point and repeat
if( requireNamespace('units', quietly = TRUE) ) {
input.polygon = input.point |> sf::st_buffer(units::set_units(10, km))
blocks |> sf::st_geometry() |> plot()
sf::st_transform(input.polygon, crs='EPSG:3005') |> plot(add=TRUE)
blocks |> sf::st_geometry() |> sf::st_centroid() |>
   sf::st_coordinates() |> text(labels=blocks$NTS_SNRC)

# geo can be a character vector of codes = c('093A', '093I', '104O')
findblocks_bc(, type='sfc')

Download data from the rasterbc collection


Downloads all mapsheet layers (geoTIFFs) covering the geographical extent of geo for the specified collection, varname, and year. Input geo can be a vector of (4-character) NTS/SNRC mapsheet codes or a geometry of class sfc.


  geo = NULL,
  collection = NULL,
  varname = NULL,
  year = NULL,
  force.dl = FALSE,
  quiet = FALSE



vector of character strings (NTS/SNRC codes) or a geometry of class sfc


character string indicating the data collection to query


character string indicating the layer to query


integer indicating the year to query (if applicable)


logical indicating whether to overwrite any existing data


logical, suppresses console messages


The data files are written to the directory returned by rasterbc::datadir_bc(). Mapsheets found there (already downloaded) are not downloaded again unless force.dl==TRUE. Users should only need to download a mapsheet once - there are no plans to update the rasterbc collection in the future.


a vector of character string(s) containing the absolute path(s) to the downloaded file(s)

See Also

findblocks_bc to identify which mapsheets will be downloaded

listdata_bc for a list of available collections, variable names, years


# define a location of interest, and a polygon around it then fetch the corresponding DEM data
input.point = sf::st_point(c(x=-120.1, y=50.1)) |> sf::st_sfc(crs='EPSG:4326')

if( requireNamespace('units', quietly = TRUE) ) {
input.polygon = input.point |> sf::st_buffer(units::set_units(10, km))

## Not run: 
# the following downloads data from FRDR
block.path = getdata_bc(input.point, 'dem')
getdata_bc(input.polygon, 'dem')

# load one of the mapsheets

## End(Not run)

List all available layers, or their associated filepaths and download status


Returns a list of dataframes (one per collection) describing the variables available through rasterbc, or a subset (as specified by collection, varname, year). Alternatively, if simple==TRUE, returns a nested list indicating the filepaths associated with these layers, and which of them exist in the local data storage directory already.


  collection = NULL,
  varname = NULL,
  year = NULL,
  verbose = 1,
  simple = FALSE



(Optional) character string, indicating the data collection to query


(Optional) character string, indicating the layer to query (see Details, below)


(Optional) integer or character string, indicating the year to query (see Details, below)


An integer (0, 1, 2), indicating how much information about the files to print to the console


logical indicating to return a (list of) logical vector(s) indicating existence on disk of specific filenames


The layers available through this package are organized into "collections", corresponding to their original online sources. Layers in a collection are further organized by variable name, and are uniquely identified by the character string varname (and, if applicable, year). The optional arguments collection, varname, year prompt this function to return only the applicable subsets.


Either a (list of) dataframe(s) containing information about each raster layer, or (when simple==TRUE) a nested list of logical values (named according to filepath), with entries for each data file in the specified subset.


# print available collections
listdata_bc() |> names()

# print info about a specific collection
listdata_bc('bgcz', verbose=2)

# example with a year field
listdata_bc('fids', varname='IBM_mid', year=2005, verbose=2)
listdata_bc('fids', varname='IBM_mid', verbose=2)

# "simple=TRUE" mode returns logical vector indicating which mapsheets are downloaded
listdata_bc(collection='dem', varname='aspect', verbose=2, simple=TRUE)

Metadata for rasterbc collections


This file contains a summary of metadata about the available datasets in rasterbc. The script ('metadata_bc.R') used to generate this file can be found in the subdirectory rasterbc/data-raw/ (last updated November 09, 2023).




Nested list containing metadata and URLs for all of the files available as rasterbc collections


BC biogeoclimatic zone from BC Ministry of Forests


Geographical coordinates grid from Natural Resources Canada


Consolidated cutblocks, 2001-2018, from BC Ministry of Forests


Digital elevation model from Natural Resources Canada


Forest insect and disease survey, 2001-2018, from BC Ministry of Forests


Forest extent and change, 2001-2019 from Hansen et al. (2013)


Canadian national fire database, 2001-2018, from Natural Resources Canada


Interpolated forest attributes, 2001, 2011, from Beaudoin et al. (2017) (DOI: 10.1139/cjfr-2017-0184)


Relevant contents of the file can be accessed dataframe using the function listdata_bc.

The rasterbc collection is published as a data publication with associated DOI for permanence and easy referencing. For a more complete description, along with instructions on downloading the collections from their sources and reproducing the collection, see the rasterbc_src github repository.

All were downloaded from sources and processed in the years 2018-2020, then stored as raster tiles in the standard BC Albers projection, and hosted on FRDR.


Original data sources were published by the Canadian Journal of Forest Research and various Canadian government environment ministries, and are described in full at rasterbc_src

National Topographic System Index Maps for British Columbia.


Mapsheet boundary polygons for 1:250,000 scale maps, from Natural Resources Canada. The Open Government License - Canada applies. More info available here




Simple feature collection (of type POLYGON), with 89 features and 1 field:


four-character mapsheet code


Reproduced (in NAD83 / BC Albers projection) from the shapefile 'nts_snrc_250k.shp' in the zip archive '' available from (accessed June 11, 2020).

Load/merge data blocks and optionally clip/mask them


Loads all mapsheets covering the geographical extent of input argument geo. This can be a vector of (4-character) NTS/SNRC block codes, or a geometry of class sfc having a defined coordinate reference system.


  geo = NULL,
  collection = NULL,
  varname = NULL,
  year = NULL,
  type = "mask",
  quiet = FALSE,
  dl = TRUE



vector of character strings (NTS/SNRC codes) or a geometry of class sfc


character string, indicating the data collection to query


character string, indicating the layer to query


integer, indicating the year to query


character string, one of 'all', 'clip', 'mask'


logical, suppresses console messages


logical, enables automatic downloading of missing files


Data for the layer specified by collection, varname, and (as needed) year, are fetched from the directory specified by datadir_bc, merged into a single (mosaic) layer, cropped and masked as needed, and then loaded into memory and returned as a SpatRaster object. If the files are not found, and dl=TRUE, they will be automatically downloaded.

When geo is a line or point type geometry (or when type='all'), the function uses terra::merge to create a larger (mosaic) SpatRaster containing the data from all mapsheets intersecting with the input extent.

When geo is a polygon, type can be set to clip or mask the returned raster: 'all' returns the mosaic, as above; 'clip' crops the mosaic and to the bounding box of geo; and 'mask' (the default) crops the mosaic then sets all points not lying inside geo to NA. Note that type is ignored when geo is a point geometry or a character string of codes (these cases behave like type='all').


A SpatRaster


# define a location of interest, and a circle of radius 10km around it
input.point = sf::st_point(c(x=-120.1, y=50.1)) |> sf::st_sfc(crs='EPSG:4326')

if( requireNamespace('units', quietly = TRUE) ) {
input.polygon = input.point |> sf::st_buffer(units::set_units(10, km))

## Not run: 
# the following downloads data from FRDR
# open the DEM mapsheets corresponding to the polygon and plot
opendata_bc(geo=input.polygon, 'dem') |> terra::plot()

## End(Not run)